Wuxi Micro Research Co., Ltd.
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Industry and solutions

Precision Machining for Solar Power Industry

Precision Machining of Silicone Slice Guide Wheels

The new energy business division possesses 26 high precision CNC lathes, grinding and notching machines of OKUMA and MORI SEIKI and 8 imported machining equipment for pouring, injection molding and coating. Our capacity and quality of guide wheel repair and machining ranks top in China and the product categories cover all types of guide wheels of multi-wire saws/wire cutting machines. Its notching capacity and coating capacity reach over 1000 guide wheels per month.


We have an experienced R&D team of production technology with good management. All front line operators have over 5 years of the machining base and experience of cylindrical grinding, surface grinding and curve grinding, excelling in the control of the run-out and taper in the guide wheel machining especially with rich experience in notch depth.








