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Micro Research Study Tour to Huangshan Mountain

“From whichever direction the winds leap, I remain strong, though dealt many a blow”. This is Mr. Banqiao Zheng’s verses describing bamboo’s integrity. It is also appropriate to use these verses for an analogy for the style of pine trees planted on Huangshan Mountain. At the beginning of August, more than 20 winners of Wuxi Micro Research’s Artisan Cup Skills Competition in 2017 and 2018 set forth on a study tour to Huangshan Mountain.

As it is well known, the landscape of Huangshan Mountain tops that of the Five Sacred Mountains. The tour must conquer the twisted and steep mountain paths if they would like to see the beautiful scenery of Huangshan Mountain, which can be only admired from the peaks. The team has heard about the difficulty of climbing Huangshan Mountain for a long time. The tour guide instigated the tour members to take cable cars instead of climbing to the peaks. Although some of the colleagues were daunted by the toughness of mountaineering, Mr. Min Li, who is the lead of the tour, still encouraged everyone to try their best to climb as much as they can. Even though a small portion of the group decided to take the cable cars to the peak in the end, most of the tour members, with the encouragement of the team, climbed beyond their boundaries to the peak. All tour members met in the next day on the Bright Summit Peak, which is one of the three main peaks of Huangshan Mountain, to watch the sunrise together.